Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 2 Afternoon

I have learned the following today :-

* Eating chewing gum whilst wearing a false beard is inadvisable unless you like chewing false hair.
* The hardest thing about wearing a false beard is not the embarressment, but taking time to explain to strangers about Reclaim the Night. When people say 'nice beard' it's much easier to say 'thankyou'. This might be because there isn't an obvious connection, and the beard thing is just a daft way of raising some money.
* I feel very arkward asking people for sponsorship. Even though the money is for causes I believe in I still feel somewhat sheepish, and just kind of hope people will just give me money when I say the word 'sponsored'
* I don't know how to react to heckling. For example, today when I was walking home, a group of blokey blokes in a van yelled 'where's the fancy dress party'. Now if they had been wolf whistling or yelling under normal circumstances I usually take a the very mature approach of responding by yelling a swear word. I do believe that women should be allowed to wear false beards without being heckled(though it's low down my list of priorities for feminist action) If you do go around in a false beard then really, you are asking to be heckled. Having said that, one could use the above line of reasoning to argue that women in short skirts should expect to be yelled at; it's a very faulty line of argument. See - confusion!

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